Sunday 29 August 2010

13.92km - My personal best so far - mostly run

This long and circuitous route happened mainly because I got lost slightly. Ended up reaching a dual carriageway that I had to retrace my path from. Didn't manage to run it all, as I was negotiating finding directions and a few rather steep hills on the return-path.

The weather was fantastic, and this route takes you through beautiful paddocks and fields. I made the mistake of not carrying water or anything to eat - so pretended to do Ray Mears eating berries on the way. Some pictures are tagged using Runkeeper. I found that the ForeRunner GPS works way better than the one on runkeeper.

I was careful this time about very carefully stretching before and after the run. I am typing this one day after the run, and I don't feel too sore. Makes so much sense to stretch!

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