Wednesday 25 August 2010

Running my first 10 mile

This is my first post on a blog where I am planning to track my training for the 10 mile run. For all of you have so kindly sponsored my run, I will be posting details about my training here. I am hoping writing this on a publicly accessible blog will keep me honest, and keep training hard.

I am posting below my fund-raising plea from the JustGiving website (

Thanks for visiting this link. I know the feeling when you go to yet another donations link and think this is another self-indulgent über runner supporting some cause you cannot relate to. I am going to appeal to you to put your cynicism aside on two counts: firstly because Marie Curie cancer care is charity that visibly really makes a difference to people’s lives, and secondly that, I am a struggling runner who has never really run this distance and will sweat and toil over every kilometre and mile. All the money raised will go to Marie Curie Cancer care.

As a family we have been touched by cancer twice this last year. We have experienced first-hand how difficult it can be for those who go through this, and the emotional rollercoaster it can be for their families and friends. We have met along the way, the hard-working support systems for cancer care: the nurses, the doctors, the researchers, the families, carers and friends. It is amazing to see how far the science, treatment and care for cancer have come over the years and it’s a tribute to their efforts. I would like in a very small way thank and support these people.

For those of you who know me for a while, over a year ago, I would not walk a few miles, let alone run 10! Over the last year I have managed to do a few 5 km, one 5 mile and few 10 km runs. I have never run a 16 km before, and have been completely knackered after 10km. So this is going to be a big challenge. So think of it as betting to see me break!

Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving – they’ll never sell them on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to the charity and make sure Gift Aid is reclaimed on every eligible donation by a UK taxpayer. So it’s the most efficient way to donate - I raise more, whilst saving time and cutting costs for the charity.

So please dig deep and donate now

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